Thursday, September 28, 2017

Software Engineering Series 1

1) Spiral Model was developed by?
  1. Bev Littlewood
  2. Berry Bohem
  3. Roger Pressman
  4. Victor Bisili
Answer = B 
Explanation: Spiral model was developed by Berry Bohem in 1986 in his article "A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement"

2) Which model is popular for students small projects ?
  1. Waterfall Model
  2. Spiral Model
  3. Quick and Fix model
  4. Prototyping Model
Answer = A
Explanation: No Explanation
3) Which is not a software life cycle model?
  1. Spiral Model
  2. Waterfall Model
  3. Prototyping Model
  4. Capability maturity Model
Answer = D 
Explanation:Capability maturity model is not a software life cycle model
4) Project risk factor is considered in ?
  1. Spiral Model
  2. Waterfall Model
  3. Prototyping Model
  4. Iterative enhancement Model
Answer = A
Explanation:Aim of Risk analysis phase in the spiral model is to eliminate the high risk problems before they threaten the project operation or cost.
5) SDLC stands for ?
  1. Software design life cycle
  2. Software development life cycle
  3. System design life cycle
  4. System development life cycle
Answer = B 
Explanation:Full form of SDLC is software development life cycle.
6) Build and Fix model has?
  1. 3 Phases
  2. 1 Phases
  3. 2 Phases
  4. 4 Phases
Answer = C 
Explanation:Build and fix model has 2 phases one is " build " and other is " fix " .
7) SRS stands for ?
  1. Software requirement specification
  2. Software requirement solution
  3. System requirement specification
  4. None of Above
Answer = A
Explanation: SRS acts as a contract between the developer and the user.
8) Waterfall model is not suitable for ?
  1. Small Projects
  2. Complex Projects
  3. Accommodating change
  4. None of Above
Answer = C
Explanation:Waterfall model does not accommodate any change that's why this model is used in those situations where requirements are well understood.

9) RAD stands for ?
  1. Rapid Application Development
  2. Relative Application Development
  3. Ready Application Development
  4. Repeated Application Development
Answer =A 

10) RAD Model was purposed by ?
  1. IBM
  2. Motorola
  3. Microsoft
  4. Lucent Technologies
Answer =A 
Explanation:RAD Model was purposed by IBM in 1980s through the book of James Martin entitles "Rapid Application Development"

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Web Technologies Series 1...

1. Which of the following options is correct with regard to HTML?

It is a modelling language
(b) It is a DTP language
(c) It is a partial programming language
(d) It is used to structure documents
(e) It is a scripting language.

Consider the following statement:
GET /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0

Which of the following options is a correct one?

The above statement is a part of a request from a web client
(b) The above statement is a part of the input to a CGI program
(c) want is a variable and whatsnew.html is a value
(d) want is a variable and whatsnew.html HTTP/1.0 is the value
(e) may be a CGI program.

When trying to access a URL, the following message is displayed on the browser:
Server; Error 403

What could be the reason for the message?

The requested HTML file is not available
(b) The URL refers to a CGI script and the header of the script does not indicate where the interpreter is located
(c) The path to the interpreter of the script file is invalid
(d) The first line of the output from the script is not a valid HTTP header
(e) The requested HTML file or CGI script has insufficient permission.

Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding multimedia on the web?

The MPEG, AIFF and WAV are cross-platform formats
(b) The MPEG, AU and MIDI are cross-platform formats
(c) The SND format has a relatively low fidelity
(d) VRML can be used to model and display 3D interactive graphics
(e) The dynsrc attribute in the <img> element can be used to include videos in web pages.

What would be the colours of the RGB where the hexadecimal values are #FF0000, #00FF00 and  #0000FF respectively?

Blue, Green, Red
(b) Green, Blue, Red
(c) Green, Red, Blue
(d) Red, Blue, Green
(e) Red, Green, Blue.

The elements <DIV> and <SPAN> have the following characteristics

Element <DIV> inherits properties defined for <SPAN> in a stylesheet
(b) <DIV> and <SPAN> have no real meanings as html tags unless stylesheet is applied
(c) Elements <SPAN> and <DIV> define content to be inline or block-level
(d) <DIV> and <SPAN> are used as alternatives for the element <P>
(e) <DIV> is used inside element <P>.

Which of the following statement is not true regarding JavaScript?

JavaScript is a loosely typed language
(b) JavaScript is an object-based language
(c) JavaScript is event driven
(d) A JavaScript embedded in an HTML document is compiled and executed by the client browser
(e) JavaScript can not run in stand-alone mode (without a browser).

The following is a web-page:


<head> <title>JavaScript</title> </head>
<body bgcolor="#0000ff">
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- document.write("<h1> hello world </h1>"); //-->

When the above web page is loaded into a browser, what will happen?

The body of the web page will not contain any text
(b) The body of the web page will contain the text “<h1> hello world </h1>”
(c) The body of the web page will contain the text “hello world” as an H1 heading
(d) The background color of the web page will be green
(e) document.write("<h1> hello world </h1 >”); is a comment.

The following statements are about three important browser objects in JavaScript.

window object : The highest of all objects in the client-side JavaScript object hierarchy. 
II. navigator object : A collection of information about the browser. Useful in browser sniffing.
III. document object : Provides access to the document being viewed. 
Which of the above statements is/are true?

Only (I) above
(b) Only (II) above
(c) Only (III) above
(d) Both (I) and (II) above
(e) All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Consider the following script:


<script language="JavaScript">
var a=80
var b=(a==80 ? "pass" :"fail");

What will be the output of the above script?

(b) fail
(c) null
(d) 80
(e) Error at line 6.


 Answer  Reason

1. D         All the other options are wrong and incorrect for the question asked.

2. E         All the other options are wrong and incorrect for the question asked.

3. E         Server error 403 means insufficient permission.

4. A         All the other options are correct for the question asked.

5. E         The values are hexadecimal equivalent for Red, Green, Blue.

6. C         According to the specifications of <SPAN> and <DIV> they are used to define  
                        the  contents inline or block level.

7. D         As the remaining all the options are correct and valid for JavaScript.

8. A         Because of the comment nothing will be printed.

9. E         According to the definitions of browser objects, all the statements are true.

10. A         Because the outcome of the ternary operator.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Computer Networking Questions Series 7

Which layer is responsible for process to process delivery?
a) network layer
b) transport layer
c) session layer
d) data link layer

Which address identifies a process on a host?
a) physical address
b) logical address
c) port address
d) specific address

Which layer provides the services to user?
a) application layer
b) session layer
c) presentation layer
d) none of the mentioned

Delimiting and synchronization of data exchange is provided by
a) Application layer
b) Session layer
c) Transport layer
d) Link layer

 In OSI model, when data is sent from device A to device B, the 5th layer to recieve data at B is
a) Application layer
b) Transport layer
c) Link layer
d) Session layer

The physical layer concerns with
a) bit-by-bit delivery
p) process to process delivery
c) application to application delivery
d) none of the mentioned

Which transmission media has the highest transmission speed in a network?
a) coaxial cable
b) twisted pair cable
c) optical fiber
d) electrical cable

A single channel is shared by multiple signals by
a) analog modulation
b) digital modulation
c) multiplexing
d) none of the mentioned

 Wireless transmission can be done via
a) radio waves
b) microwaves
c) infrared
d) all of the mentioned

The data link layer takes the packets from _____ and encapsulates them into frames for transmission.
a) network layer
b) physical layer
c) transport layer
d) application layer

Which one of the following task is not done by data link layer?
a) framing
b) error control
c) flow control
d) channel coding

When 2 or more bits in a data unit has been changed during the transmission, the error is called
a) random error
b) burst error
c) inverted error
d) none of the mentioned

The technique of temporarily delaying outgoing outgoing acknowledgements so that they can be hooked onto the next outgoing data frame is called
a) piggybacking
b) cyclic redundancy check
c) fletcher’s checksum
d) none of the mentioned

Transmission control protocol is
a) connection oriented protocol
b) uses a three way handshake to establish a connection
c) recievs data from application as a single stream
d) all of the mentioned

An endpoint of an inter-process communication flow across a computer network is called
a) socket
b) pipe
c) port
d) none of the mentioned

A _____ is a TCP name for a transport service access point.
a) port
b) pipe
c) node
d) none of the mentioned

Monday, September 25, 2017

Computer Networking Questions Series 6

The network layer concerns with
a) bits
b) frames
c) packets
d) none of the mentioned

The 4 byte IP address consists of
a) network address
b) host address
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the mentioned

In virtual circuit network each packet contains
a) full source and destination address
b) a short VC number
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the mentioned

Which one of the following routing algorithm can be used for network layer design?
a) shortest path algorithm
b) distance vector routing
c) link state routing
d) all of the mentioned

A subset of a network that includes all the routers but contains no loops is called
a) spanning tree
b) spider structure
c) spider tree
d) none of the mentioned

The network layer protocol of internet is
a) ethernet
b) internet protocol
c) hypertext transfer protocol
d) none of the mentioned

ICMP is primarily used for
a) error and diagnostic functions
b) addressing
c) forwarding
d) none of the mentioned

Communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network in
a) broadcast network
b) unicast network
c) multicast network
d) none of the mentioned

 Bluetooth is an example of
a) personal area network
b) local area network
c) virtual private network
d) none of the mentioned

A _____ is a device that forwards packets between networks by processing the routing information included in the packet.
a) bridge
b) firewall
c) router
d) all of the mentioned

A list of protocols used by a system, one protocol per layer, is called
a) protocol architecture
b) protocol stack
c) protocol suit
d) none of the mentioned

 Network congestion occurs
a) in case of traffic overloading
b) when a system terminates
c) when connection between two nodes terminates
d) none of the mentioned

In the layer hierarchy as the data packet moves from the upper to the lower layers, headers are
a) Added
b) Removed
c) Rearranged
d) Modified

Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ______________ transmission
a) Automatic
b) Half-duplex
c) Full-duplex
d) Simplex

The first Network

Which layer links the network support layers and user support layers
a) session layer
b) data link layer
c) transport layer
d) network layer