Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Objective Questions(111-120)

111. Every Language accepted by TM M2 is also accepted my M1 if
a. M1 head never move left of its initial position
b. M1 never write a blank
c. a and b both
112. Let G is a grammar to ge CNF form we need ________ much time.
a. O(n)
c. nLogn
d. None of the above
113. Unix operating system is an example of
(a) batch os
(b) multi user os
(c) partially multi user os
(d) single user os
114. Remote computing services involves the use of time sharing and
(A) Multiprocessing
(b) interactive processing
(c) batch procesing
(d) real time processing
115. Shift reduction parsing using _____ datastructure
a. Array
b. link list
c. Heap
d. stack
116. At a particular time of computation the value of a counting semaphore is 7. Then 20P operationd and 15 V operations were completed on this semaphore. The resulting value of the semaphore is:
7-20+15=2......becoz p for - and v for +
117. Where does the swap space reside ?
(B) Disk
(C) ROM (D) On-chip cache
118. What is the maximum length of
CAT-5 UTP cable in Fast Ethernet
network ?
(A) 100 meters (B) 200 meters
(C) 1000 meters (D) 2000 meters
119. Shift reduce parsers are:
a. Bottom up parsers
b. Top down parsers
c. Bottom up for shift and top down for reduce
d. Bottom up for reduce and top down for shift
120. The optimal page replacement algorithm will select the page that
(A) Has not been used for the longest time in the past.
(B) Will not be used for the longest time in the future.
(C) Has been used least number of times.
(D) Has been used most number of times

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