Monday, March 13, 2017

Important Questions Series 1

1)       Partial order set is:
a. Reflexive, Transitive
b. Anti Symmetric
c. Symmetric
d. a and b
e. a and c
f. None

if you consider option e then it will become equivalence set..

 2) The Relation R={(1,2),(2,2),(2,3),(3,3),(3,2),(4,4),(4,2)} is Reflexive (True / False)
false a relation will be reflexive if for all x,(x,x) is present here in R there are (2,2)(3,3)(4,4) but no (1,1) so the relation R is not reflexive

3)A B-tree of minimum degree t has maximum pointer in a node
(1) t-1
(2) 2t-1
(3) 2t
4) Unix operating system is an example of
(a) batch os
(b) multi user os
(c) partially multi user os
(d) single user os
5) Which of the following allows a simple email service and is responsible for moving messages from one mail server to another?
6) Device on one network can communicate with devices in another network via a
1. Hub/Switch
2.utility Server
3. File Server
4. Gateway
7) Congestion control is done by:
1.Network layer
2.Physical Layer
3.Transport Layer
4.Application Layer
8) Which storage device is mounted on 'reels'?
1 Floppy Disk
2 Hard Disk
3 Magnetic Tapes
9) Consider a relation (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H).And its Functional Dependencies are ABC ->DE, F->FG, H->G, G->H,ABCD->EF.Here the answer is it is in 2nf.
as you see abc is the candidate key and E,F,G,H are the non prime attributes. so no partial dependency is present here as no proper subset of ABC points to any non prime attribute.and here non key points to another non key(condition of 2nf)and transitive dependency also present F--G , G---H SO ANS IS 2NF
10)which type of links are used for a connection between two DTE devices
1. X.21
2. Frame relay
3. ATM
4. Modem
11) what does 'B' in B tree stands for:                          its "balanced tree"........
12) One can convert a binary tree into its mirror image by traversing it in
(1) postorder
(2) inorder
(3) preorder
(4)any order
post order..inorder gives nodes in ascendng order..., preorder gives depth first ordering...
13) Given the following expressions of a
E --> E * F / F + E / F
F --> F – F / id
Which of the following is true ?
(A) * has higher precedence than +
(B) – has higher precedence than *
(C) + and – have same precedence
(D) + has higher precedence than *
lower priority operator is alwayas comes at first level and then higher priority and so on .since * and + comes at first level and then - is at next level .hence - is having higher priority then *.
14) The amount of uncertainty in a system of symbol is called
15) A 10Base-2 network is limited to
1.20 bytes per data field
2.30 stations per segment
3.40 segments
4.50 feet of cable
16) 76% like UGC exam and 63% like Gate exam; how many like both
17) RAID stands for
(1) rapid action in disaster
(2) random access internal disks
(3) rapid application interface design
(4) redundant arrays of independent disks
18) Which of the following statements is/are true ?
1 Cache Memories are bigger than RAM
2 Cache Memories are smaller than RAM
3 ROM are faster than RAM
4 Information in ROM can be written by users
19) The graphic method of LP uses
a. Objective function equation
b. Constraint equation
c. linear equations.
d. all of the above
20) In a high resolution mode, the number of dots in a line will usually be ----
1 320
2 640
3 760
4 900

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