Friday, October 13, 2017

Operating System Series 2

With relocation and limit registers, each logical address must be _______ the limit register.
a) less than
b) equal to
c) greater than
d) None of these

The first fit, best fit and worst fit are strategies to select a ______.
a) process from a queue to put in memory
b) processor to run the next process
c) free hole from a set of available holes
d) All of these

Which of the following do not belong to queues for processes ?
a) Job Queue
b) PCB queue
c) Device Queue
d) Ready Queue

When the process issues an I/O request :
a) It is placed in an I/O queue
b) It is placed in a waiting queue
c) It is placed in the ready queue
d) It is placed in the Job queue

In a time-sharing operating system, when the time slot given to a process is completed, the process goes from the running state to the :
a) Blocked state
b) Ready state
c) Suspended state
d) Terminated state

 The context of a process in the PCB of a process does not contain :
a) the value of the CPU registers
b) the process state
c) memory-management information
d) context switch time

 Which of the following state transitions is not possible ?
a) blocked to running
b) ready to running
c) blocked to ready
d) running to blocked

 __________ is generally faster than _________ and _________.
a) first fit, best fit, worst fit
b) best fit, first fit, worst fit
c) worst fit, best fit, first fit
d) None of these

External fragmentation exists when :
a) enough total memory exists to satisfy a request but it is not contiguous
b) the total memory is insufficient to satisfy a request
c) a request cannot be satisfied even when the total memory is free
d) None of these

External fragmentation will not occur when :
a) first fit is used
b) best fit is used
c) worst fit is used
d) no matter which algorithm is used, it will always occur

The interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of completion is termed as
a) waiting time
b) turnaround time
c) response time
d) throughput

Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the process that requests the CPU first?
a) first-come, first-served scheduling
b) shortest job scheduling
c) priority scheduling
d) none of the mentioned

In priority scheduling algorithm
a) CPU is allocated to the process with highest priority
b) CPU is allocated to the process with lowest priority
c) equal priority processes can not be scheduled
d) none of the mentioned

In priority scheduling algorithm, when a process arrives at the ready queue, its priority is compared with the priority of
a) all process
b) currently running process
c) parent process
d) init process

Process are classified into different groups in
a) shortest job scheduling algorithm
b) round robin scheduling algorithm
c) priority scheduling algorithm
d) multilevel queue scheduling algorithm

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