Monday, May 14, 2018

Paper 1 Important Questions

1) Positive classroom Communication leads to ?
(a) Coercion
(b) Submission
(c) Confrontation.
(d) Persuasion.

2) Effective communication pre-supposes

3)CCF stands for................ .
(A) Current Classification Format
(B) Current Communication Format
(C) Common Communication Format
(D) Common Classification Forma

4) Research suggests that people in all cultures have a tendency to do all of the following except which one? 
->A) Believe that what happens in other cultures is unnatural and incorrect 
->B) Behave in ways that favor their own cultural group 
->C) Prefer to associate with individuals from different cultural groups 
->D) Feel proud of their own cultural group

5) The link between the home and the school is an example of a ............. 
->A) microsystem 
->B) mesosystem 
->C) exosystem 
->D) macrosystem

6) Which of the following represents Vygotsky's view of the origin of cognitive development? 
->A) Intelligence 
->B) Genetics 
->C) Social interactions 
->D) Self regulated behavior

7) When you are noticed and appraised by everyone around you... This is?
A. Total appraisal
B. Overall appraisal
C. 360 degree appraisal
D. Management appraisal

8) Learning is primarily the result of ............. 
->A) development 
->B) experience 
->C) innate abilities 
->D) socialization

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