Thursday, August 9, 2018


1) Capability Maturity Model is meant for:
a) Product
b) Process
c) Both a & b
d) None

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right ans is C

2) A B-tree of minimum degree t has maximum pointer in a node
(1) t-1
(2) 2t-1
(3) 2t

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right ans is B

3) Unix operating system is an example of
(a) batch os
(b) multi user os
(c) partially multi user os
(d) single user os

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right ans is B

4) Device on one network can communicate with devices in another network via a
1. Hub/Switch
2. utility Server
3. File Server
4. Gateway

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right ans is D

5) Which storage device is mounted on 'reels'?
1 Floppy Disk
2 Hard Disk
3 Magnetic Tapes

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right ans is 3

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