Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Most Frequently asked questions Series 3

1) If you want to align text to the right side of an block element in a cascading style sheet (CSS) then which of the following property would you use?

a. Right align
b. Justify
c. Left align
d. Text align

2) See the following C declaration
struct v

     int n;
     float a;
struct v * x[10];
Define x as

a. An array which has the same name as a program name
b. A structure with 10 elments in it
c. An array, where each element is a pointer to a structure of type node
d. A structure of 3 fields and an array of 10 elements

3) Which is the major data structure used in RDBMS?
a. Trees
b. Stacks
c. Graph 
d. Array

4)  Which is the final form of testing used in the COTS software?
a. Beta testing
b. Module testing
c. Integration testing
d. Unit testing

5) From the following ________ is a type of abstraction?
a. Data
b. Design
c. Testing
d. All of the above

6) Which of the following is of importance in a software development life cycle?
a. Planning
b. Designing
c. Testing
d. Requirement gathering

7) From the following statements which one is not a valid deadlock prevention scheme?
a. Number the resources uniquely and never request a lower numbered resource than the last one
b. Release all the resources before requesting for a new resource
c. Request all the resources before execution
d. Never request a resource after releasing any resources

8) What is page cannibalizing?
a. Page swapping or Page replacements
b. Adding timestamps to the page
c. Avoiding page replacements
d. All the above

9)  In which package do we have the gc() method?
a. java.lang package
b. java.util package
c. java.awt package
d. package

10) For using JDBC applications which of the following driver is preferable and efficient?
a. Type 1 driver
b. Type 2 driver
c. Type 3 driver
d. Type 4 driver

1)    d
2)    c
3)    d
4)    a
5)    a
6)    a
7)    d
8)    a
9)    a
10)  d

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