1) We have an operating system, which is capable of loading and executing a single sequential user process at a time. If the disk head scheduling algorithm which is initially First Come First Served (FCFS) is replaced by Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) claimed by the vendor to give 50% better benchmark results then what is the expected improvement in the I / O performance of the user programs?
a. 0%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 75%
b. It leads to poorer disk throughput but better disk space utilization
c. It leads to better disk throughput and better disk space utilization
d. It leads to better disk throughput and poorer disk space utilization
a. With the use of kernel supported threads context switch is faster.
b. The entire process can be blocked by the system for user - level threads.
c. Kernel supported threads can be scheduled independently.
d. User level threads are transparent to the kernel.
Which of the above statements are true?
a. a and d
b. a and b
c. b and c
d. a and c
b. UDP
c. BootP
b. 1
c. 12
d. 2
' router A(config)#line cons 0 '
a. Shut down the router
b. Disable console connections
c. Set the telnet password
d. Set your console password
b. An Undirected Cyclic Graph
c. A Directed Linear Graph
d. An Undirected Linear Graph
b. while
c. if
d. for
b. Keeps its physical structure hidden from users
c. Cannot hide sensitive information from users.
d. Both A and B.
b. Queries
c. Relations
d. Joins
a. 0%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 75%
2) What is the effect of using a larger block size in a fixed block size file system?
a. It leads to poorer disk throughput and poorer disk space utilizationb. It leads to poorer disk throughput but better disk space utilization
c. It leads to better disk throughput and better disk space utilization
d. It leads to better disk throughput and poorer disk space utilization
3) Consider the following statements:
a. With the use of kernel supported threads context switch is faster.
b. The entire process can be blocked by the system for user - level threads.
c. Kernel supported threads can be scheduled independently.
d. User level threads are transparent to the kernel.
Which of the above statements are true?
b. a and b
c. b and c
d. a and c
4) Which protocol is mostly used to send unknown messages back from a destination network to an originating host?
a. TCPb. UDP
c. BootP
5) In a 12 - port switch, when a network is segmented, how many broadcast domains are created?
a. 5b. 1
c. 12
d. 2
6) Which operation does the following command allow you to perform?
' router A(config)#line cons 0 '
b. Disable console connections
c. Set the telnet password
d. Set your console password
7) The concept of topological sorting significantly deals with an ordering of Vertices in _________.
a. A Directed Cyclic Graph b. An Undirected Cyclic Graph
c. A Directed Linear Graph
d. An Undirected Linear Graph
8) Which is the most suitable construct utilized for traversing in a Circular Linked List?
a. do - while b. while
c. if
d. for
9) What is a transparent DBMS?
a. Keeps its logical structure hidden from usersb. Keeps its physical structure hidden from users
c. Cannot hide sensitive information from users.
d. Both A and B.
10) How can a tuple be divided in a relational schema?
a. Domains b. Queries
c. Relations
d. Joins
1) a
2) d
3) c
4) d
5) b
6) d
7) a
8) a
9) c
10) a
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