Friday, May 3, 2019

Most frequently asked questions series 7

1) A pointer in c which has not been initialized is known as
a. far pointer
b. void pointer
c. null pointer 
d. wild pointer

2) In C++, dynamic memory allocation is achieved with the operator 
a. new 
b. this
c. malloc( ) 
d. calloc()

3)  Which protocol has flow control, but not error control?
a. Simplest
b. Selective-Repeat ARQ
c. Go-Back-N ARQ
d. Stop-and-Wait

4) Operating System: Which RAID level refers to disk mirroring?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

5) Networking: Why Piggybacking technique is used?
a. To take the backup of data packets.
b. To improve the efficiency of the unidirectional protocols.
c. To improve the efficiency of the bidirectional protocols.
d. None of the above.

6) Networking: Which of the following addresses is used to deliver a message to the correct application program running on a host?
a. Port
b. IP
c. Logical
d. Physical

1) d
2) a
3) d
4) b
5) c
6) a

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