Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Objective Questions(1-10)

1 Which of the following is not the member of Class?
A. Static function
B. Friend function
C. Const function
D. Virtual function
2)Which one of the following is not the advantages of functions?
A. Debugging is easier
B. Testing is easier
C. Recursive call is possible
D. It consumes low disk space
3)In quick sort which one is the best pivote:
a. Left most
b. Right most
c. Middle one
d. any random location
4) to use the function tolower(), which of the following header file should include
A. string.h
B. conio.h
C. ctype.h
D. Don’t need any header file
5) Which of the following laws state the program, which contains two types of operations i.e. complete sequential operations which must be done sequentially and complete parallel operations which can be executed on multiple processors?
a) Amdahl’s law
b) Gustafson’s law
c) Sun and Ni’s law
d) None of the above
6) how many string we can have with {epsilon}
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. any number
7)What are the three generic phases of software engineering?
(A) Definition, development, support
(B) What, how, where
(C) Programming, debugging, maintenance
(D) Analysis, design, testing
( employee_name CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
manager_name CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY employee_name,
FOREIGN KEY (manager_name) RFERENCES Manager ON DELETE cascade);
How many integrity constraints are defined in the above statement?
A . None or 1
B . 2
C . 3
D . 4 or more
a) is used for channel allocation problem
b) is used for data transfer
c) is used for buffering
d) All of the above
10) Ques: This was the first network.

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