Sunday, August 23, 2015

Objective Questions(91-100)

91. A UNIX file system has 1 KB block size and 4-byte disk addresses. What is the maximum file size if the inode contains ten direct block entries, one single indirect block entry, one double indirect block entry and one triple indirect block entry ?
(A) 30 GB (B) 64 GB
(C) 16 GB (D) 1 GB
Each block size=1 kb=1024 bytes Disk address=4 byte Therefore each disk block contains=1024/4=256 addresses Size due to 10 direct blocks=10 * 1 KB=10 KB Size due to 1 single indirect block=256 * 1 KB=256 KB Size '' '' 1 double indirect block=256 * 256 * 1 KB=65536 KB Size " " 1 triple " " =256 * 256 * 256 * 1 KB=16777216 KB So,maximum file size= 10 + 256 + 65536 + 16777216=16843018 KB =16 GB
92. {a^nb^n:n>=1} recognize by
c. Both
d. None
93. Classes of similar logical unit is called
a) Lexemes
b) Token
c) Pattern
d) None
94. Linked Lists are not suitable for_____.
(A) Binary Search
(B) Polynomial Manipulation
(C) Insertion
(D) Radix Sort
polynomial manipulation is application of linked list.
insertion sort is good for linked list.
radix sort internally uses queue which can be easily implimented by linked list.
binary search required mid point calculation which is difficult to find and its also linear thats y binary search is not suitable for linked list.
95. If the data unit is 111111 and the divisor is 1010. In CRC method, what is the dividend at the transmission before division ?
(A) 1111110000 (B) 1111111010
(C) 111111000 (D) 111111
1010 here n=4 so n-1 = 3 so add 3 zeros at the end of dataunit means 111111 so111111000
96. Consider an undirected graph G with 100 nodes. The maximum no. Of edges to be included in G so that the graph is not connected is?
(99 * 98)/2=4851
maximum number of edge in undirected graph is given by
(n * (n-1))/2
now we have to obtain the maximum number of edge in such a way that the graph is not connected...
this is possible .when we connect all node except one node..... i.e., maximum number of edge in an undirected graph with 99 node
97. (a+a*)* is equivanlent to
a. a(a*)*
b. a*
c. aa*
d. None
a+a* =>a ..lowest value of a* is null =>a+null => a .. thus putting in place of a+a* u will get a* ..
98. What is the maximum length of CAT-5 UTP cable in Fast Ethernet network ?
(A) 100 meters (B) 200 meters
(C) 1000 meters (D) 2000 meters
99. Which one of the following set of gates is best suited for ‘parity’ checking and ‘parity’ generation ?
(D) None of the above
100. Which of the following electronic component is not found in IC’s ?
(A) Diode (B) Resistor
(C) Transistor
(D) Inductor

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