Friday, August 21, 2015

Objective Questions(81-90)

81. A file is downloaded in a home computer using a 56 kbps modem connected to an internet service provider. If download of file completes in 2 min what is th maximum size of data downloaded?
A) 112Mbits
b) 6.72Mbits
d)672 Mbits
It is 56000x2x60=6720000 bits=6.72 Mbitsans is B
In data communications only the Metric definition of a kilobyte (1000 bytes per kilobyte) is correct. The binary definition of a kilobyte (1024 bytes per kilobyte) is used in areas such as data storage (harddisk, memory), but not for expressing bandwidth and throughput.
82. Single token is called:
a. Terminal
b. non terminal
c. lexeme
d. None
83. String over {a,b} having exactly three b’s
a. a*bbb
b. a*ba*ba*ba*a
c. a*b*ababa*b*
d. a*ba*ba*ba*
ababab cannot be formed by optn A and B.......abbb cannot formed by optn i think the only possiblans is D
84. Which of the following is not a form of memory ?
(A) Instruction cache (B) Instruction register
(C) Instruction opcode (D) Translation-a-side buffer
85. Predictive Parser uses an _____________ as default production when no other production can be used.
a. c-production
b. d-production
c. e-production
d. None of the above
86. Symbol table generate at:
a. lexical analysis
b. Syntax analysis
c. Semantic analysis
d. All of the above
87. The set of all strings over {a,b} have abab as substring is represented by:
a. a*ababb*
b. (a+b)*abab(a+b)*
c. a*b*ababa*b*
d. (a+b)*abab
88. In SQL ....... clause is used for categorisation.
1. Order by
2. Group by
3. Join by
4. Like
89. If an integer is represented in
a. 1's complement method
b. 2's complement method
1. Both are same
2. a and b are complements each
3. a and b differ by one
4. No connection like above
90. Fuzzy set A={1/0.2, 2/0.5, 3/0.8, 4/1, 5/0.7, 6/0.3} what is the cardinality

a. 0.35
b. 3.5      sum of all membership function
c. 6.5
d. None of the above

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